
Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering — University of California, Berkeley

I completed my Ph.D. in the Department of Nuclear Engineering under the supervision of Kai Vetter. During this time, I worked as part of the Applied Nuclear Physics program at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, primarily under the mentorship of Tenzing Joshi.

The core research problem I worked on was urban radiation source detection and identification, which essentially has the objective: given a noisy measurement of radiation, detect and identify any nearby radiation sources. Instead of handcrafted rules for detecting and identifying such radioactive sources, I focused on machine learning based approaches. If you’re interested in learning more, you can find my dissertation here.

B.S., Physics — University of California, Davis

For my undergraduate degree, I was primarily interested in experimental nuclear and particle physics. My research experience in these areas made heavy use of computational tools (automated data processing, data collection, etc.), which led to my career in software engineering following graduation.